Sunday, 5 November 2017

Week Beginning November 6th

Day A- 2 lessons

Approaches to Learning:
I can reflect on my studying of Early Exploration to create and complete a quiz on my learning this week.

Learning Activities:

-Personal reading time.

Image result for different types of questions
-Today you will use what you have learned about life at sea to create a quiz for your peers. You will take the quiz this afternoon.

Image result for i am malala memoir

-Next we will spend time looking at Memoir.

Day B

Learning Activities:

-Personal reading time.

Why do people record their personal stories?

Malala Memoir Extract

1. What contrast are readers given in the opening paragraph of the extract and why is it engaging?
2. What 3 big ideas (in order) does Malala share before she concludes with "Who is Malala? I am Malala, and this is my story."
3. How is Malala's conclusion to this extract interesting?
4. Give 3 quotations of personal thoughts/feelings Malala gives in this extract and what you learn from each example.
5. Make a lists of 3-5 words that are specific to Malala's culture and define then.

6. This extract is written by Malala in 1st person. How does this add to what you have learned about her experience, as opposed to it being written in 3rd person?

Home Learning:
Finish any work from today.

Image result for columbus
Day C

Learning Activities:

-Personal reading time.

-We will review our work from yesterday then look at  translated letter, written by Christopher Columbus in 1493.

Inquiry Question:
How could connections be viewed from different perspectives?

Reading questions
  • What can you learn about the writer from reading the story?

  • What intercultural connections are featured in the story? (Meetings between people from different cultures). What are the meetings like? Is there any conflict?

  • How would you describe the writer’s perspective about these connections?

  • What other perspectives are excluded (not present in the story)? What might they be like?

Day E

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