March 2nd
Speak for no more than 4 minutes
Take Turns
Anonymous vote for best- cannot vote for self
Final 4 compete to whole-class vote
Team A- Jonathan, Anne, Bill, Yein, Seungwon
Team B- Jenna, George, Vincent, Leo, JoJo
Team C- Maitri, Hyerin, Cindy, Kaylie, Isaac
Team D- Romina, William, Jasmin, Alysha, Abhay
March 2nd
Teams of 7Speak for no more than 4 minutes
Take Turns
Anonymous vote for best- cannot vote for self
Final 4 compete to whole-class vote
Team A- Jonathan, Anne, Bill, Yein, Seungwon
Team B- Jenna, George, Vincent, Leo, JoJo
Team C- Maitri, Hyerin, Cindy, Kaylie, Isaac
Team D- Romina, William, Jasmin, Alysha, Abhay
Winner goes to theater debate on March 5th!